Friday, February 4, 2011

Pat LaFontaine

Card Sent: 1/1 January 17th, 2011
Card Received: 1/1 February 4th, 2011

Yes yes yes!!!! This so far has to be my favorite return! Pat Lafontaine is easily in my top 5 of favorite players. The guy was such an amazing athlete and leader. But while Mr. Lafontaine's efforts on the ice were nothing short of amazing, I have to say that his charitable work is just as great. For many years now, Lafontaine has been involved with Children's Hospital with his charity Companions in Courage. This is quite a personal subject for me since I practically owe my life to the wonderful doctors at Children's. It is absolutely wonderful to see a such a high profile player give so much to his community out of the goodness of his heart. I sent a donation with my card and Mr. Lafontaine returned and signed it in black sharpie. I plan to donate more in the future and I encourage others to do so as well. My favorite return so far!


  1. Nice. thanks for putting my site on your blog. if you could follow it would be great. if you can email the address you used for lalalalal lafontaine, that would be highly appreciated as well. thanks

  2. Yeah no problem! You can find the address I used by clicking on the link to his charity's website. It should be in the contact section.

  3. sweet blog, came across yours at card got some sick sigs

    i'd appreciate it if you would check out mine at
    make sure to follow!

  4. Hey, Michael. I will be sure to do that!
